

How this began…

My love of arthropods and nature in general started at a very early age. I spent my childhood exploring the forest and streams of the Appalachian foothills in east central Alabama where it was lush, green, and sparsely populated, at least at that time in the late 1970’s and early 80’s. If I didn’t have a reptile, spider, or giant grasshopper in my hand, it was likely raining.

As I grew older my interests changed but I never truly lost my connection with mother nature, however it was definitely on the back-burner. I’ve always had snakes and lizards as pets but with work and social life distracting me I just felt there wasn’t enough time for my childhood past-times. Fast forward to 2016 and a chance encounter with an out-of-state spider who was nesting in some store-bought grapes that my wife purchased. I used a camera that she had gifted me for a birthday years before but hadn’t yet learned how to properly operate, this would begin my journey in macro photography. It was the best thing outside of meeting my wife that has happened in my adult life. My childhood passion was reignited!

The photos within are a compilation of shots taken from when I started in 2016 to present, and as one would expect the quality of the images have progressed as my skill and equipment have improved. However, if I don’t have recent shots of a certain subject, I have included older shots until the opportunity presents itself to update my images. I currently shoot with a Canon EOS Rebel T7i body and a variety of Laowa macro lenses coupled with extension tubes, Meike MK-MT24ll twin flash, and a DIY custom diffuser. I shoot single, handheld shots. All subjects are alive and are released back to the spot where I found them if I was unable to photograph them in the wild. I hope you enjoy my work, this takes many hours of my free time so please respect my efforts and don’t steal and use my images for profit unless given expressed consent.